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The Beginning

Player one rolls a 12 and goes first.  She selects the colour blue and the character profile of Thorolf the woodsman 
Player two = red and Major Mary Anne

Player three = orange and Nassir the farmer

Player four = blue and Jean the pirate. 

Exercise 6.10: Feature Design Exercise, Part 2

Create a visual storyboard stepping through the use of the feature idea you came up with for Exercise 6.9.  Assemble the storyboard so that it tells a visual story of a player successfully playing the game.  Present your idea to an appropriate group of people for critique. 

Round 1 - Place your Settlements and Roads
  1. Just as in the original game all the players place their settlement and road pieces. 

  2. Major Mary-Anne places her two additional roads and she's off to a great start. 

  3. Jean the Pirate tells us she will wait to collect her two extra resources from her power "Beautiful Bounty". 

Round 2 - Longest Road
  1. Major Mary-Anne cashes in a lumber and brick set and builds a road. This gives her 5 points for two settlements and the Longest Road for 3 points due to her bonus power - and she is in the lead!

Round 3 - The Robber Strikes and Resources are Awarded
  1. Nassir rolls a seven and places the robber on a hex occupied by Mary and Thorolf.  Nassir and Thorolf take an extra resource card due to their power bonus.  


Round 4 - Economy is Booming

  1. Both Nassir and Thorolf cash in their resource cards for favourable rates and build roads and settlements. Here you can see Nissir trading three wheat for a brick. 

  2. Jean the Pirate also gets in the action and trades wheat and wool for bricks and lumber.  She's challenging Mayor Mary's hold on the longest road, 

Round 5 - It's a Pirate's Life for me! 

  1. Jean the Pirate rolls a 7 and blocks hex number 6.  Thorlolf and Nissir take their extra resource cards which Jean quickly steals from Nissir.  


Round 6 - Tides turn for the Pirate and the Mayor

  1. With the other major brick-hex blocked Jean the Pirate has created a blockade on road building. Jean builds three more roads and takes the Longest Road card from Mayor Mary Anne. 


Round 7 - Alliances form and the blockade falls. 

  1. Thorolf rolls a seven and places the robber on hex-10. Thorolf, Mary and Nassir join forces to disrupt Jean's control of the board. 

  2. With Thorolf's help, Nassir takes the longest and Mayor Mary builds two cities. 


Last Round - Mayor Mary Anne Makes-off with the Win! 

  1. Thorolf and Nassir failed to notice that Mayor Mary Anne (6 years old) was amassing grain and stone. At the start of round 10, she played her hand and secured three victory cards and the largest army (2 points) for the win! 

Epilogue - Until we meet again!

​Jean the Pirate (8 years old) studies the map and vows to capture the board next time. 

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